I Discovered My Mom’s New Boyfriend Wanted to Extort Money from Her — I Taught Him a Brilliant Lesson

Blake suspects something off about his mom’s new boyfriend, Travis. One evening, he overhears a conversation that confirms his worst fears. Determined to protect his mom, Blake devises a clever plan to expose Travis’s true intentions.

“Mom, I really don’t trust him. He seems like trouble,” I whispered, leaning closer to her on our comfy couch in the living room.

Travis was flipping through TV channels, his tattoos and messy appearance making my skin crawl.

A man sitting in front of the TV | Source: Midjourney

“I know he looks different from your dad, honey, but that’s because he’s younger,” Mom said, giving me a reassuring smile. “Give him a chance. He’s trying.”

I frowned, glancing at Travis, who was now engrossed in some loud, obnoxious show.

“I just don’t think he is the right guy for you, Mom,” I said. “I mean, just look at him!”

A man sitting on a couch | Source: Midjourney

Mom’s face softened. “I know you miss your Dad, Blake. But we also can’t forget that he couldn’t handle the responsibilities, and one day, he walked out the door without looking back. Travis decided to take those responsibilities, and we have to move forward.”

A mother and son at home | Source: Midjourney

“I get it, Mom. It’s just… he doesn’t seem like a good person. He’s always rude, and he never helps around the house.”

Mom took my hand, squeezing it gently. “I appreciate your concern, Blake. But sometimes, people deserve a second chance. Travis is rough around the edges, but he’s had a hard life. He’s trying to change.”

I leaned back on the couch, still uneasy but willing to give Travis a chance for Mom’s sake. However, I couldn’t help but wonder if my instincts about him were right.

One evening, while Mom visited a neighbor, I found myself alone with Travis. And it was then I heard him secretively talking on the phone in the kitchen in a low voice.

A man on call | Source: Freepik

“Dude, I’ll be back soon, and we’ll hang out like before, but this time with cash!” Travis said, sounding excited. “She has no clue! Says she’s ready to go anywhere with me! Once I get the money, I’ll call you right away!”

My heart pounded. I knew Travis was up to no good. I moved closer to the kitchen door, trying to hear more.

“Yeah, man, it’s easy money,” he continued. “I just told her I need it for my mom’s medical treatment. She’s totally buying it.”

A briefcase full of money | Source: Pexels

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Travis was planning to swindle money from Mom, lying about needing it for his mother’s health. My stomach churned with anger and fear. I needed to tell Mom, but I had to be careful. If Travis found out I was listening, things could get worse.

I quietly backed away from the kitchen door and went to my room.

A teen boy in his room | Source: Pexels

I tried to calm down and think. How could I tell Mom without making things worse?

She believed in giving people second chances, but Travis didn’t deserve one. He was dangerous, and I needed to protect her.

A worried boy | Source: Midjourney

When Mom came home, I wanted to tell her right away, but Travis was still around. I had to wait for the right moment. I stayed in my room, pretending to do homework, but my mind was racing. I had to find a way to show Mom the truth about Travis.

As soon as he left the house for a stroll, I pulled her aside into my bedroom.

“Mom, I need to talk to you. It’s about Travis,” I began, my eyes on the door to make sure Travis hadn’t returned home for something.

“What is it, Blake?” she asked.

“I overheard him on the phone. He plans to take your money and leave you,” I said urgently. “He said he’s lying about needing it for his mom’s health.”

Mom’s face hardened. “Blake, you’re imagining things. You just don’t want anyone else in your life but your dad.”

I shook my head vehemently. “No, Mom! I’m serious. Travis is a liar and a thief. Please believe me.”

She sighed deeply. “Blake, I understand your concern, but I think you’re letting your emotions cloud your judgment. Travis even showed me his mother’s medical bills. I know it’s hard, but you need to stop worrying about him so much. He’s not a bad person.”

“Mom, I know you want to believe the best in people, but Travis… He’s dangerous. I swear he’s lying to you!”

“Enough, Blake!” Mom snapped. “It’s not easy for me to trust someone again after your father left. But Travis has shown me kindness in ways you don’t see.”

“Mom, I’m begging you to listen. He’s not who you think he is. Please!” I insisted. “Why are you always defending him?”

“Blake, I suggest you stop watching those ridiculous movies that give you these strange ideas. And if I hear one more terrible thing about Travis from you, you’ll be grounded for a whole month, young man!”

With that, she left the room. I couldn’t believe Mom just took Travis’s side and refused to listen to me. But I knew I had to do something.

Everyone at school called me a tech genius, and it was time to use my computer skills to teach that loser Travis a lesson.

I set up my computer and got to work in my room.

First, I found a recording of the local police chief’s speech online. Then, using a special program, I modified the voice to make it sound like the chief was speaking directly to Travis. It took a lot of time and effort, but I wanted it to be perfect.

Once I was satisfied with the recording, I took a deep breath and called Travis, disguising my voice as the police chief. He answered, his voice shaky.

“Mr. Travis, this is Chief Roberts,” I began. “We’ve been monitoring your activities. We know you’ve been deceiving women and stealing their money. I want you to bring all the stolen money to the police station in two days. If you don’t comply, there will be serious consequences.”

Travis’s voice trembled with fear. “W-What? How did you find out? I mean, y-yes, sir. I’ll be there.”

“I suggest you don’t try anything funny. We have enough evidence to put you away for a long time,” I continued. “Just know that this call is a final warning. Is that clear?”

Travis was silent for a moment, clearly shaken. “I-I understand, Chief. I’ll do as you say. Just-just gimme two days.”

I hung up the phone, glad that the first step of the plan was successful. But I also knew there was a chance it could backfire.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. My mind was racing with thoughts of what might happen. Would Travis really fall for the fake call? Would he leave without causing any more trouble? I kept replaying the conversation in my head, hoping I had done everything right.

The next morning, I kept a close eye on Travis. He seemed nervous, pacing around the house and making quick phone calls. I could tell he was worried, and that gave me a small sense of satisfaction. Maybe this plan would work after all.

I decided to stay home from school to monitor the situation. I knew it was risky, but I couldn’t leave Mom alone with him, not when things were so uncertain.

As the hours passed, I waited for any sign that Travis was planning to leave.

By the end of the day, it was clear that my plan had shaken him. He packed a small bag and told Mom he needed to take care of some business out of town. She looked confused but didn’t question him.

I watched as Travis left the house, feeling a sense of victory. Yes, the police wouldn’t normally call a suspect directly, but I made it sound like they had solid evidence and were giving him a chance to turn himself in quietly.

Clearly, Travis was too scared to suspect it was fake. Now, I just had to make sure he didn’t come back.

Two days later, I went to the police station.

I approached the front desk, feeling a knot in my stomach.

“I need to speak with Chief Roberts,” I said, my voice shaking slightly.

A few minutes later, the chief came out to meet me. “What can I do for you, son?” he asked, looking serious.

I took a deep breath and told Chief Roberts everything. I explained how I overheard Travis’s plan, made the fake call using a voice modulation app, and how Travis was supposed to show up with the money.

When I finished, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Blake, what you did was risky and not entirely legal,” he said. “Using a voice modulation app to impersonate an officer is a serious offense.”

“I-I just wanted to protect my mom. I didn’t know what else to do,” I admitted.

The chief studied me for a moment. “I understand your intentions were good, and given your age and the circumstances, I’m going to let you off with a warning this time. But you need to understand the seriousness of your actions. Is that clear?”

“I understand, sir. It won’t happen again.”

The chief’s expression softened slightly. “Alright then. We’ll see if your story checks out. If Travis shows up, we’ll handle it.”

We waited in the station, the minutes feeling like hours. I couldn’t sit still, my mind racing with worry. What if Travis didn’t show up?

But just a few hours later, the doors of the station swung open, and in walked Travis, looking around nervously and clutching a bag. The chief gave a quick nod to his officers, and they moved in smoothly, surrounding Travis.

“Mr. Travis, you’re under arrest for suspicion of fraud and theft,” one of the officers said, taking the bag from him.Travis looked bewildered and terrified. “W-What? This must be a mistake!” he stammered, but the officers were quick to handcuff him.

I watched from a distance as he was arrested, glad I had saved Mom. The officers had checked Travis’s record, and it turned out he had duped multiple women over the years.

Later, back at home, Mom and I sat in the living room. She hugged me tightly, tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Blake. You saved me from making a terrible mistake.”

“I’ll always protect you, Mom,” I said, hugging her back. “Promise.”

Did I do the right thing?

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