Zack and Miri were married for 30 years. Zack always believed that he was in a happy marriage, and in truth, Miri was thinking the opposite.
On the 30th anniversary of their marriage, Miri asked to divorce.Zack was shocked when he heard his wife. He couldn’t understand, as there was no reason for Miri to act that way.
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“I did NOTHING and you’re divorcing me? Are you having an affair?”
“NO!” Miri cried.
Then Miri screamed with tears. She told her husband that he did nothing. When she was working for her children, Zack did nothing. When Miri also did all the chores in the house, Zack did nothing.
When she was ill, Zack did nothing. When her father lost his life, and Miri was devastated, again, Zack did nothing. He just lived for himself. Zack did nothing for during the 30 years of their marriage.
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Zack asked why Miri didn’t ask him to do something.Miri told Zack that she always asked for help, but once again, Zack did nothing. She asked her husband to go to a couples therapy, but he didn’t because he thought everything was fine.
“We can go now,” Zack cried, but it was too late.
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On the next day, Miri moved out. Their children were shocked when they learned what happened. Their oldest, May, told Miri that her father was seeing a therapist for he was in depression.
Miri moved on, she started taking dance classes, she traveled around. She was her own priority for the first time in her life, and that freedom was enriching her life.