The small act of kindness was almost forgotten. An old man sat on a park bench, feeding pigeons. A young man approached hesitantly. “Excuse me, sir, but are you Henry Clarke?” he asked. The old man looked up, surprised. “Yes, I am. Do I know you?”
The young man smiled. “You wouldn’t remember me, but twenty years ago, you helped a lost boy find his way home. I was that boy. I was scared, but you reassured me and walked with me until my mother found us. It changed my life.”
Henry chuckled softly. “I do remember. You were crying near the bookstore. I just did what anyone would have.”
“Not everyone would,” the young man replied. “That moment taught me that kindness matters. I grew up wanting to help others the way you helped me. I became a paramedic because of you.”
Henry was taken aback, emotion welling in his eyes. “That’s wonderful. I never thought a small gesture would mean so much.”
“It did,” the young man said. “And now, it’s my turn to help you. Are you waiting for someone?”
Henry sighed. “My family moved away. I come here out of habit, I suppose.”
The young man nodded. “Then how about we get a cup of coffee? My treat.”
Henry smiled, feeling a warmth he hadn’t in years. “I’d like that.”
Sometimes, kindness comes full circle.