I Left My Wife in the Restaurant on Our 10th Anniversary – When Her Mom Heard Why, She Suggested I File for Divorce

I adjusted my tie as we walked into Le Petit Chateau, the fanciest restaurant in town. Fiona’s auburn hair caught the light, reminding me why I’d fallen for her all those years ago.

“Table for two, under Aidan,” I told the hostess. She led us to a secluded corner, all crisp white tablecloths and flickering candles. I pulled out Fiona’s chair, hoping for a smile, but she was already on her phone.

“Everything okay?” I asked as we sat down.

Fiona glanced up, startled. “Oh, yeah. Just checking something quick.”

I nodded, hiding my disappointment. This was supposed to be our special night, but she seemed distant.

The waiter arrived with menus. “Can I interest you in our anniversary special? A bottle of champagne to start?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said, smiling at Fiona. “What do you think, honey?”

She barely looked up. “Hm? Oh, sure. Whatever you want.”

A sad-looking couple seated in a restaurant | Source: Pexels

I sighed and ordered the champagne. As the waiter walked away, I reached across the table and touched Fiona’s hand.

“Hey, can we put the phones away? It’s our anniversary.”

Fiona looked guilty. “You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just this new video series I found—”

“Another prank channel?” I interrupted.

“They’re hilarious, Aidan! You should see some—”

I tuned out as she described the latest viral prank. My mind drifted to the past few weeks. Fiona’s pranks had started innocently but had become increasingly disruptive and distressing. From scaring me in the shower to upsetting the kids, it was no longer funny.

Fiona stood abruptly. “I need to use the restroom. Be right back.”

Suddenly, a commotion erupted. Fiona was stumbling between tables, clutching her throat. “I can’t breathe!” she gasped, falling to her knees.

The restaurant went wild. People rushed to her side, calling for help. Then Fiona laughed. “Just kidding! It was a prank!”

The silence that followed was deafening. I felt the eyes of every patron boring into me. The manager approached. “Ma’am, that was extremely inappropriate. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I stood up, grabbing my coat. “I’m leaving,” I said, my voice tight with anger. “Without my wife. You can get an Uber home on your own,” I informed her.

Fiona’s smile faltered. “Aw, come on. It was just a joke!”

I rushed out to the car and made off before she could respond. When I got home, I told the kids to pack. “We’re going to Uncle Declan’s.”

An hour later, Declan took us in without a word. “Guest room’s all yours. Want to talk about it?”

“Not tonight,” I said. My phone buzzed incessantly with messages from Fiona. I ignored them and tried to sleep.

The next morning, I woke to 37 missed calls and twice as many texts. “You’re overreacting. It was just a joke!” How could she not see how wrong she was?

Then Greta, Fiona’s mom, called. “Aidan! What’s this I hear about you abandoning my daughter?”

I explained what happened, including Fiona’s obsession with pranks. Greta was silent for a long moment. “If things are really this bad, I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted a divorce.”

Divorce? Was this really the end?

“I don’t know, Greta. I just need some time to think.”

The next evening, I met Fiona at the restaurant, clutching divorce papers I’d had drawn up. Fiona looked smaller than ever, her eyes red-rimmed.

“Hi,” she said softly, sitting down.

“Hi,” I replied, my throat tight.

We sat in silence before Fiona burst out, “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or the kids. I just got carried away with the pranks and—”

I slid the envelope across the table. Fiona’s hands shook as she opened it. Her eyes widened.

“No,” she whispered, tears spilling. “Please, Aidan, no. We can work this out. I’ll stop the pranks, I promise.”

I let her cry, then said quietly, “It’s a prank. The divorce papers aren’t real.”

Her mouth opened and closed. I leaned forward. “This is what it feels like. Scared, hurt, betrayed. Is this what you want for our family?”

Fiona’s face crumpled. “No. I’m so sorry, Aidan. I never realized…”

I took her hand. “I love you, Fiona. But no more pranks. Can you promise me that?”

She nodded vigorously, tears in her eyes. “I promise. No more pranks. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

I exhaled slowly. “Okay. Let’s go home.”

As we left, Fiona hesitated. “Thank you for not giving up on us.”

I hugged her. “We’re in this together. For better or worse, remember?”

She laughed softly. “Let’s aim for ‘better’ from now on, okay?”

I nodded, feeling cautiously optimistic. As we walked out hand in hand, I knew we had a long way to go, but we were finally on the same page.

And there wasn’t a prank in sight.

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