The husband sent his wife to the countryside to lose weight—she’d gotten too soft—so that he could indulge in his pleasures with his secretary without any interference.

Step, I don’t understand what you want,» Katya said.

«Nothing special,» Stepan replied. «I just want to be alone, take a break. Go to the country house, relax, lose a couple of kilos. You’re getting too soft.»

He cast a disdainful glance at his wife’s figure. Katya knew she had gained weight due to her treatment, but she chose not to argue.

«Where is this country house?» she asked.

«In a very picturesque place,» Stepan said with a smile. «You’ll like it.»

Katya decided not to argue. She, too, needed a break. ‘Maybe we’re just tired of each other,’ she thought. ‘Let him miss me. And I won’t come back until he asks for me.’

She began packing her things.

«Are you not upset?» Stepan clarified. «It’s only for a little while, just to relax.»«No, it’s fine,» Katya forced a smile.

«Then I’m off,» Stepan said, kissing her on the cheek as he left.

Katya sighed deeply. Their kisses had long lost their former warmth.

The journey took much longer than expected. Katya lost her way twice—the navigator glitched, and there was no mobile reception. Finally, a sign with the village name appeared. The place turned out to be remote, with wooden houses that were neat, adorned with carved window frames.

«There are clearly no modern conveniences here,» Katya thought.

She wasn’t mistaken. The house was a half-collapsed hut. Without a car or a phone, she would feel like she had stepped back into the last century. Katya took out her mobile phone. «I’ll call him now,» she decided, but there was still no signal.

As the sun dipped toward the horizon, Katya grew tired. If she didn’t go inside the house, she’d have to sleep in the car.

She wasn’t eager to return to the city, nor did she want to give Stepan a reason to say she couldn’t handle things.

Katya got out of the car. Her bright red jacket looked out of place amid the rural landscape. She smiled to herself.

«Well, Katya, we won’t be forgotten,» she said aloud.

In the morning, the piercing crow of a rooster by the car window woke her—the very car in which she had fallen asleep.

«What’s all that noise?» Katya grumbled as she lowered the window.

The rooster stared at her with one eye and crowed again.

«Why are you shouting so loudly?» Katya complained, but then she saw a broom fly past the window, and the rooster fell silent.

An elderly man appeared on the doorstep.«Good morning!» he greeted her.

Katya looked at him in surprise. Characters like him seemed to have vanished—like someone straight out of a picture.

«Don’t be mad at our rooster,» the old man said. «He’s a good one, just crows like he’s being cut.»

Katya burst out laughing, and her sleep immediately faded. The old man smiled too.

«Are you here for a long stay or just visiting?»

«On vacation, for as long as my patience holds,» Katya replied.

«Come in, dear. Join us for breakfast. You’ll get to meet the old lady. She bakes pies… but there’s no one to eat them. The grandchildren come once a year, and the children as well…»

Katya didn’t refuse. It was time to meet the neighbors.

The wife of Pyotr Ilyich turned out to be a real fairy-tale grandmother—in an apron, with a headscarf, a toothless smile, and kind wrinkles. The house exuded cleanliness and coziness.

«Your place is wonderful!» Katya exclaimed. «Why do the children visit so rarely?»

Anna Matveyevna waved her hand dismissively.

«We ask them not to come. The roads are terrible. After the rain, you can’t leave for a week. There used to be a bridge, though it was old. But about five years ago it collapsed. We live like hermits. Every week, Stepanovich goes to the store. The boat just can’t hold up. Stepanovich is sturdy, but he’s getting on in years…»

«Divine little pies!» Katya praised. «Doesn’t anyone care about the people here? Someone should do something.»

«Who do we matter to? Just fifty people. There used to be a thousand here. And now, everyone has scattered.»

Katya pondered.

«Strange. And where is the administration?»

«On the other side of the bridge. And if you take the detour, it’s 60 kilometers. Do you think we haven’t walked that far? The answer is simple: there’s no money.»

Katya realized she had found her purpose for this vacation.

«Tell me, where can I find the administration? Or will you come with me? The forecast doesn’t show any rain.»

The old-timers exchanged glances.

«Are you serious? You came here to relax.»

«Absolutely serious. Vacationing can be different. What if I come back and it rains? I have to do something for myself too.»

The old-timers smiled warmly.

At the city administration, she was told:

«How long will you pester us! You make us out to be villains. Look at the city roads! Who, in your opinion, would give money for a bridge in a village with only about fifty residents? Look for a sponsor. For instance, Sokolovsky. Have you heard of him?»

Katya nodded. Of course she had—this Sokolovsky was the owner of the company where her husband worked. He was originally from here; his parents had moved to the city when he was about ten years old.

After pondering all night, Katya made up her mind. She knew Sokolovsky’s number—her husband had called him several times from her phone. She decided not to mention that Stepan was her husband, and she called as a stranger.

The first time she couldn’t reach him, the second time Sokolovsky listened to her, paused, then laughed.

«You know, I had almost forgotten I was born there. How is it now?»

Katya was delighted.

«Very beautiful, peaceful, with wonderful people. I’ll send photos and videos. Igor Borisovich, I’ve gone through all the channels—no one wants to help the elderly. Only you remain.»

«I’ll think about it. Send the photos; I want to remember how it used to be.»

For two days, Katya diligently took videos and photographs for Sokolovsky. Her messages were read, but no response came. She had already decided that it was all in vain when Igor Borisovich called her himself: «Ekaterina Vasilievna, could you come to the Lenin office around three tomorrow? And please prepare a preliminary work plan.»

«Of course, thank you, Igor Borisovich!»

«You know, it’s like a plunge into childhood. Life is such a race—there’s no time to stop and dream.»

«I understand. But you should come in person. I’ll definitely be there tomorrow.»

Only after she had hung up did Katya realize: this was the very same office where her husband worked. She smiled; it would be a funny surprise.

She arrived early; there was still an hour before the meeting. After parking her car, she headed to her husband’s office. The secretary was nowhere to be found. She entered and heard voices from the break room, so she went there. There, she found Stepan and his secretary.

Seeing Katya, they clearly became flustered. She froze in the doorway, and Stepan jumped up, trying to pull on his trousers.

«Katya, what are you doing here?»

Katya ran out of the office; in the corridor she bumped into Igor Borisovich, handed him some papers, and, unable to hold back her tears, ran out. She barely remembered how she reached the village. Collapsing onto a bed, she broke down in tears.

In the morning, a knock on the door woke her. On the doorstep stood Igor Borisovich with a group of people.

«Good morning, Ekaterina Vasilievna. I see you weren’t ready to talk yesterday, so I came myself. Would you like some tea?»

«Of course, come in.»

Igor said nothing about the previous day. Over tea, almost all the villagers gathered at the house. Igor peered out of the window.

«Oh, a delegation! Ekaterina Vasilievna, isn’t that Ded Ilyich?»

Katya smiled: «Yes, it is.»

«Thirty years ago he was already a grandfather, and his landlady used to feed us pies.»

The man looked at Katya with concern, and she quickly replied, «Anna Matveyevna is alive and well and still bakes her famous pies.»

The day flew by in busy activity. Igor’s people measured, recorded, and counted.

«Ekaterina Vasilievna, may I ask a question?» Igor began. «About your husband… Will you forgive him?»

Katya thought for a moment, then smiled: «No. You know, I’m even grateful to him for how things turned out… So what?»

Igor fell silent. Katya stood up, looked around the house: «If a bridge appears, we could make this place amazing! Repair the houses, create cozy rest areas. The nature here is untouched, genuine. But there’s no one to take care of it. And what if you never want to return to the city…»

Igor admired her. She was a special, determined, intelligent woman. He hadn’t noticed her before, but now he saw her in all her glory.

«Katya, may I come again?»

She looked at him intently: «Yes, come, I’d be glad.»

Construction of the bridge progressed rapidly. The villagers thanked Katya, and young people began returning. Igor became a frequent guest.

Her husband called several times, but Katya ignored his calls, then blacklisted his number.

Early one morning there was a knock. A sleepy Katya opened the door, expecting trouble, but there stood Stepan.

«Hi, Katya. I’m here for you. Stop sulking. Sorry,» he said.

Katya laughed. «‘Sorry’? That’s it?»

«Well, fine then… Pack up, let’s go home. You won’t kick me out, will you? And don’t forget—the house isn’t yours, remember?»

«I’ll kick you out right now!» Katya exclaimed.

The door creaked as Igor emerged from a room in his home clothes: «This house was bought with funds from my company. Or do you, Stepan Alexandrovich, think I’m a fool? There’s an audit in the office now, and you’ll have to answer many questions. And I asked you to keep Kateryna calm—it’s harmful for her condition…»

Stepan’s eyes widened. Igor embraced Katya: «She is my fiancée. Please leave the house. The divorce papers have already been filed—expect a notification.»

A wedding was held in the village. Igor confessed that he had fallen in love with this place all over again. They built the bridge, repaired the road, and opened a store. People began buying houses for vacation homes. Katya and Igor also decided to renovate their house—so there would be somewhere to go when the children arrived.

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